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Train Strasbourg Basel

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Train Strasbourg Basel

26 - 59 years
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How is the trip Strasbourg - Basel in Train?


The cheapest (from average) schedule


The cheapest day (on average)


Distance 115 Km
Average length 3 hours 31 minutes
Average speed 32.7 km/h
Price of the cheapest ticket 48,10 €
Average ticket price 69,40 €
Price of the expensive ticket 90,20 €
Scales 1
Average daily trains
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The best route is the one with the least emissions

For you and for the planet:
traveling by train is the way to travel.

The European Environment Agency states that the train has the lowest emissions per kilometer and passenger compared to aviation and road transport.

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Cheap train tickets Strasbourg to Basel

Strasbourg (Estrasburgo)
Basel SBB (Basilea)
From 48,10 €

Trains from Strasbourg to Basel, stations, prices and schedules

Because only on you can book your train tickets Strasbourg Basel online from 48,10 €, until 90,20 € at most. The best way to tour the peninsula is by train. In addition, if during the journey to Basel you need to get up from your seat, or if you are travelling with children, this is the most comfortable option for all users, for all ages and conditions, a trip to Basel without potholes or turbulence in which you can stay absorbed admiring the landscape, if you wish. With prices from 48,10 €, the only thing you need to travel to Basel is free time.

Get train tickets Strasbourg - Basel from 48,10 € for the journey on the train 2nd class that travels the essential 115 Km to cover the distance between Strasbourg and Basel. Do you know any other train ticket provider that will commit himself to avoid that the price of your train tickets Strasbourg - Basel is over 90,20 €?

Every day it’s more fashionable to use the train to make your trips. Whether for business or pleasure the best means of transport to travel is by train Strasbourg Basel. If you also want to be in the latest fashion don’t hesitate to make your getaways in the trains Strasbourg - Basel. The train Strasbourg - Basel offered from has the best services and the best qualities and characteristics, all at very cheap prices. We show you how to travel much cheaper to Basel by train.

Travel to Basel by train

If I buy train tickets from Strasbourg to Basel, do I have to print the tickets?

It is not necessary, we will send you the tickets both to your email and to your mobile phone so that you can travel without problems just by showing your mobile phone. We recommend, if you have the possibility to print them, that you do so in case you have problems with the coverage or with the battery of your mobile phone.

What is the price of the trains from Strasbourg to Basel?

Train prices from Strasbourg to Basel can vary greatly, from 48,10 € to 90,20 € . The most important thing, if you are looking for the cheapest ticket, is that you buy it as far in advance as possible , this way you will get the best offers and prices. The price also changes depending on the rate or the class and schedule you choose.

How far in advance do I have to be at the Strasbourg station?

Normally we recommend that you be at the train station 30 minutes before the train's departure to go with tranquility and comfort.

Is there a direct train from Strasbourg to Basel or will I have to change?

There are direct trains from Strasbourg to Basel, so normally you will not need to change on your journey. You can go from Strasbourg to Basel by train directly without getting off the train or changing stations.

What is the duration of the train trip from Strasbourg to Basel?

The duration of the train journey between Strasbourg and Basel will depend on its stops. Normally the average duration of the trip is 3 hours 31 minutes , there is usually not much time difference between trains, it will depend on the stops you have to make in other stations.

Can I change or cancel my train tickets from Strasbourg to Basel?

There are two options, there are tickets that, if they allow changes and cancellations and others do not, these are usually cheaper. It is very important that you choose the rate that suits you best at the time of purchase.

How fast do trains travel from Strasbourg to Basel?

Trains going from Strasbourg to Basel travel at an average speed of 32.7 km/h, although at times they can reach much higher maximum speeds.

How far does the train travel from Strasbourg to Basel?

Trains traveling from Strasbourg to Basel cover a distance of approximately 115 Km and the average duration of the train journey is 3 hours 31 minutes.

When does the first train depart from Strasbourg to Basel?

Normally, the first train leaves Strasbourg at 0:05 h and arrives at Basel at 0:59 h. The schedule for the first train may change for holidays or weekends.

When is the last train from Strasbourg to Basel?

Normally, the last train that can be taken leaves from Strasbourg at 22:50 h and arrives at Basel at 23:59 h . The last train schedule may change for holidays or weekends.

Zug nach Basel

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Train Strasbourg to Basel 48,10 €
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Train Strasbourg Basel

Our prices on train tickets Strasbourg - Basel urge to travel. The most practical way to travel between Strasbourg and Basel is by train, through our efficient trains Strasbourg - Basel search engine, where you find the best prices for your travel, both for train tickets Strasbourg - Basel as for any of the routes that can be made in Spain by train that are numerous and they increase practically every day, with reinforcements in trains and new routes. Triumph finding the best train tickets Strasbourg - Basel, at the best price. Trains Basel with Multiples for only 48,10 €.

In the case of the rail connection between Strasbourg and Basel, a single daily train leaves from Strasbourg (Estrasburgo) towards Basel SBB (Basilea), scrupulously making its departure at 0:05 h and leaving us at Basel SBB (Basilea), Basel at 0:59 h, on a Multiples train and with a route duration of 2 hours 9 minutes, 2 hours 9 minutes that we have to rest on our seats, to read, to contemplate the landscape, to listen to music or to watch a film, 2 hours 9 minutes that fly by with the advantages of travelling by train to Basel. Statistics across Europe claim that trains are the safest means of transport. Also for the return, Trains Basel to Strasbourg.

Without worrying about any weather or traffic, or operations of departure or arrival, just worry about booking your train tickets Strasbourg - Basel soon so that you don’t miss your seat and to get it for the very best price on the possible trains Strasbourg - Basel. Reduce your expense and CO2 emissions travelling by train from Strasbourg to Basel. The train timetables for trains from Strasbourg to Basel on Train Timetables Strasbourg to Basel.

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The cheapest train ticket Strasbourg to Basel

The search for the train ticket from Strasbourg to Basel with the cheapest price was made on the a las h, it is a Multiples train with departure on the 27/07/2023 a las 0:05 h and arrival on the 27/07/2023 a las 6:20 h. The price of the cheapest ticket has been 48,10 € and the cheapest rate with which this price has been possible has been the rate Flexpreis Europa .