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Trains Almería

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Trains Almería

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Stations near of Almería

Cheap train tickets to Almería

From 18,95€
From 19,83€
Trains Guadix Almeria
From 5,35€
Trains Seville Almeria
From 25,07€
Trains Alcazar de San Juan Almeria
From 35,10€
Trains Marchena Almeria
Media Distancia
Media Distancia
From 37,70€
Trains Jódar Almeria
Media Distancia
Media Distancia
From 22,85€
View offers for Trains from Almeria

More information about trains

Almería and its Alcazaba, ancient protector of its port, the Phoenician and Punic tombs, the Cave of the Seven Palaces, the Museum of Almería, the Andalusian Centre of Photography, the Art Museum of Almería (CAMA), the House of Cinema, the Museum of the Guitar, the Cathedral of Almería, the Civil War Refuges, the Interpretation Centre Puerta de Almería, the Museum of Seismology in the Geophysical Observatory of Almería, the Museum of Olive Oil and much more that offers Almería to its citizens and its tourists, so it is worth a cheap train trip to Almeria.

The nearest town to Almería from which you can travel between both locations is one of our cheap trains from Gádor separated 13.3 Km from Almería, and the farthest place of Almeria from which we can make a cheap trip in one of the trains that we offer you at the best price is Pamplona, in this case the distance between both is of 670.2 Km,

Travelling by train to Almeria costs between 2,80 € and 186,08 €, as always, we only accept cheap prices on trains to Almería, so we can travel from 2,80 € for instance on the route Gádor - Almería, on a Media Distancia type of train with which to reach the station of Almería at 17:37 h.

Another option less cheap but equally affordable, is at the opposite end as far as prices are concerned, we will pay 186,08 € for a journey from Pamplona to Almería on a Union Ivkonil train that arrives in Almería at 15:30 h.

It is convenient to know that travelling in the tarde to Almería is cheaper than travelling in the tarde, and that in particular the best time to save costs on the train journey is the one whose arrival time is stipulated at 17:37 h and the less cheap is at 15:30 h.

Prices from 2,80 € and to arrive at the station of Almería located in Plaza de la Estación, S/N, make of the routes to Almería the best option of means of transport par excellence for all visitors who want a restful trip and who want to arrive on time in Almería to start enjoying the city as soon as possible.

The majority of passengers from the trains to Almería come from Madrid because they know they can travel from 18,95 € the 413 Km there are between Almería and Madrid. They get their train tickets Madrid - Almería for 18,95 € travelling on Intercity trains that since they leave from Madrid until they arrive to Almería only takes 6 hours 10 minutes, with the cheapest departure being schedules at 8:17 h, corresponding with the arrival to Almería by train at 14:27 h.

For only 18,95 € you can take advantage of your cheap train trip to Almeria to visit, in addition to all the spaces previously mentioned, scenic spaces such as the Cervantes Theatre, of eclectic, academic and neo-baroque architecture built in 1898, a building declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in the year 2002, also from 18,95 € for your train trip to Almería, you can enjoy the Apolo Theatre, a classic style building, as well as the Maestro Padilla Auditorium, which is located between the neighbourhoods of Nueva Almería and El Zapillo.

Particularly demanded is the train line Madrid - Almería in the most important events held in Almería, as is the case of the Flamenco Festival of Almería that takes place during the famous Almería Fair, in the local festivals of Almería, in honour of its patroness, the Virgin of the Sea, also in the traditional Romería of the Virgin of the Sea, in Easter, since Almeria has been declared Festival of National Tourist Interest, in Carnival, in the Cruces de Mayo, at the Night of San Juan, as well as in the Día del Pendón (Day of the Banner).

The users of the train line Madrid - Almería on our website find their train tickets Madrid - Almería for 88,25 € at most, but they can easily make the train trip for 18,95 €.

Train schedules

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